Foto via Instagram December 18, 2018 at 08:50AM

1-2-3-4 ? Now I want to sniff some glue ? Now I want to have somethin’ to do ? All the kids want to sniff some glue ? All the kids want somethin’ to do ?▶ Propolis or bee glue, another treasure from the hive, smells great and is superhealthy! Now some available for sale in bottles of 20ml: 15% propolis disvolved in pure drinking alcohol.
#apiarist #imker #honing #pollen #propolis #was #wax #beeswax #bijen #biene #honig #apiculteur #miel #abeilles #echteimkerhoning #bijenhouden #backyardbeekeeping #beesofinstagram #my9420 #myEM #erpe #erpemere #lede #aalst #honeybees #bee #savethebees #savethebeesbelgium #lokaal #korteketen (Link op Instagram: Foto: